We’d Like to Think

I might get taken into a dark room somewhere at Banting for admitting this, but fuck it. Pegasus is the most fucked up shit ever, and people who say ‘oh it’s too expensive not enough companies are using it, so it isn’t much of a concern’. BULLSHIT. People share the license access among VP’s that consult together over fancy dinners from multiple private organizations with budget and end up using it to go after people personally instead of just using it in a pure business capacity. To all you youngins(Ahem Talha) that are starting their company and think corporate espionage is an important tactic for success as you get bigger, just know that it is a double edged sword with actionable potential, the blade of which, you won’t know where or when it strikes, often piercing any ‘corporate’ shell, going where it would hurt most. We’d like to think companies don’t take business personal, that naïveté is just one of a creator’s gifts and curses.

It’s from الله


Whispering Currents


Dancing Mountains