ما فعل الله بك؟

ذكر الإمام الذهبي فى تاريخه عند ترجمة (مسعود بن محمد الهمذاني) أنه كان من خيار الناس، وكان كثيرًا ما يصفح عن الناس بقوله: (الماضي لا يُذكر).

قيل: إنّه رُؤيَ في المنام بعد موته،

فقيل له : ما فعل الله بك؟

قال : أوقفني بين يديه، وقال لي: يا مسعود، الماضي لا يُذْكَر،

(انطلقوا به إلى ‎الجنة).

"تاريخ الإسلام" للذهبي ج12 ص1128

Imam al-Dhahabi mentioned in his history when translating (Masoud bin Muhammad al-Hamdani) that he was one of the best people, and he often pardoned people by saying: “The past is not mentioned.”

It was said that he was seen in a dream after his death.

It was said to him: What did God do with you?

He said: He halted me in his hands, and said to me: “O Masoud, the past is not mentioned.”

“Take him to Heaven.”

"History of Islam" by Al-Dhahabi, vol. 12, p. 1128

It’s from الله


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