Bait Bazi
I asked for a bit of a head start, as well as permission to cheat by having these written ready by myself ahead of time, as well as in English, from my grandmother when we play this game. Bait Bazi is a poetic game usually played in urdu, but I’m no where near the level of Mummy and Dadda, so out of fear of my pride being hurt I only disclose that which is in English for the moment.
Were I to never erect a dam in front of my eyes, holding back a single tear
The flood of Noah would never cease to rise, the ark drowning itself here
Hair electrified by the mind, generational gifts, ardour, and pressures, that erect a tigris mane
To understand this you may need to enter 5th dimension’s zenith, proceed to climb an angelic crane
Elevated in spirit enthused with the grass
This one is pure of heart, yet dumb of ass
One portion of my sustenance comes from digital expression, in the form of aerial lanes
Another comes from the actualization of technological magic, multiple stakeholders gain
Lord knows I tried, for her and my sake
The thought of her I just can’t escape
When in thy silent sea for years, my heart’s ship has been marooned
Please do not apply a bandaid, over this grand canyon of a wound
But how has the station left the train?
Hai Hai Bashir, stay in your narrow lane
Ah, an individual universe of movement within a universe in motion
Ah, The goblet refilled, welling up with Allah’s potion
Capture the zephyr of dayspring if you could, as such is the cause of my death
She assassinated me with pearl piercing, dazzling eyes, and sweet winded breath
It is the tears of sorrow that serve as water under the Lord’s throne
And It is pangs of separation that constantly remind me of home
It’s from الله