Their Jinns Are In The Servers
I remember the first time I learnt about RKCP back in 2017 - I stopped writing for a couple months. I felt as though such an abomination, a machination of spirituality, would render humanity without the muscle for creativity and that over a few generations, the soul in words would eventually be lost. I was wrong. I snapped out of it eventually, realizing that:
a) I didn’t give a shit if an AI, or anyone for that matter, took my words
b) I was never in this to make a penny, so who cares
c) The model was only ok at best for english based poetry, which in and of itself often lacks the level of fluidic prose that other languages enable
d) after actually trying the software and comparing to original work of some people I know, it rarely was as good, and once you knew it was an AI that made it, the taste just feels too plastic to the palette.
It’s from الله