
The miracles of many saints are a fact, but a lot of the lore is hogwash - many of the stories are either exaggerated or fabricated. Some of the weirdest nonsense is reported in a book called: 'جامع كرامات الأولياء' - where it is mentioned that a ‘saint’ used his penis as a weapon to punish a servant:

فرأيت من الشيخ كرامة من أعجب خوارق العادات وأغربها ، وهي أنه أظهر الغضب على خادمه محمد هذا وأراد أن يؤدبه ، فأخذ الشيخ إحليل نفسه – أي: ذَكَرَه – بيديه الاثنتين من تحت إزاره فطال طولاً عجيباً بحيث إنه رفعه على كتفه ، وهو زائد عنه، وصار يجلد به خادمه المذكور ، والخادم يصرخ من شدة الألم ، فعل ذلك مرات ثم تركه ، وعاد إحليله إلى ما كان عليه أولاً ، ففهمت أن الخادم قد عمل عملاً يستحق التأديب ، فأدبه بهذه الصورة العجيبة ، ولما حكى لي ذلك الحاج إبراهيم ، حكاه بحضور الشيخ ، وكان الشيخ واقفاً ، فقال لي الشيخ: لا تصدقه وانظر ، ثم أخذ بيدي بالجبر عني ، ووضعها على موضع إحليله ، فلم أحس بشيء مطلقاً ، حتى كأنه ليس برجل بالكلية ، فرحمه الله ورضي عنه ما أكثر عجائبه وكرماته!

"I saw from the Shaykh a miracle among most amazing Khawariq ‘Adat and most rare, and it is that he became angry at one of his servants named Mohammad, and he wanted to punish him. So the Shaykh took his own Ihlil, meaning his private part with both his hands from below his waist-cloth and it became very long until it exceeded his shoulders and became longer than him, and he started to beat his servant with it! The servant was shouting because of the intensity of the pain, and he did this many times and then left him. Then his private part returned to its normal size. I later understood that the servant had indeed done something deserving punishment, and he punished him in this amazing manner……… He grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. I didn’t feel anything, it was like he wasn’t even a male anymore ! [his penis had completely shrunk and disappeared].”

[“Jami Karamat ul Awliya”, 2/396].


Don’t believe everything you hear or read…. watch out for fake saints, fake healers, fake tariqas, cults, etc.

Avoid charlatans, stick to the Qur’an & authentic Sunnah.

It’s from الله


The Jinni Arrived


Spilling Through Prose