Modern Bloodletting

These mystic words that are draped in silk satin poetry

Are golden shadows of that which is veiled in Prophecy

I am no Hafez

But I do know a bit of the Qur’an

I am no Hafez

Poetic verses flow through my arm

It’s an easy time forgiving

What’s harder is forgetting

Killing the brightest of dreams

This is modern bloodletting

Murdering them down jagged cliffs and slopes

Putting aside everything, burning alive all hopes

I am but a clear glass which can break with the tap of a stone

The stone which is ultimately laid in the building of your home

Left to transmute the lack of reciprocity in all of it’s corners dug

The layers of ripping, freezing, scorching pain

Tears puddle around my feet on the prayer rug

Turning the prayer house into a tavernous swamp

Seas of sorrow serve water under the throne of God

Rippling in romaunt

As the awakening increased the lungs found it harder and harder to breathe

Spirit left out on the tongue, bereft of compassionate union with the breeze

It’s from الله


Drones On Carpets


This Hand