On the Continuous War

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The continuous war knows it’s a truth

I am a strong man, still in his youth

A Jinn who stays awake in the darkness of night

I welcome war, mastered in every skill type

Equipped with my sword and my shield with me

A sword which puts an end to all hatred and jealousy

With it I remove from me, every striking enemy

Only for such work, my Mother gave birth to me

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This poem by Sayyidna Ali Ibn Abi Talib titled “On the Day of Badr” is a heavy, yet simple poem that resonates deeply with my soul. Most of the time when people think of Jihad they immediately resort to thinking about violence and ideological extremism, however the true Jihad, which literally means struggle, is that of the Nafs(ego).

What is the continuous war, it isn’t won on the battlefield, but in the hearts and minds of people.

When Ali discusses “every skill type”, he is not simply referring to weaponry and tactical maneuvers, rather the internal continuous war which sits within us, this is often far more difficult to overcome than external battles. The sword which puts to end hatred and jealousy is rarely one that cuts the necks, it is rather the practice of unconditional love, mercy, solitary meditation, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, dhikr, compassion, communication, connection with the creator, strengthening/deepening of relationships, purification of intentions, and many tools which are far superior to any blood drawing metal contraptions. When repeated consistently over time with patience and perseverance, victory is granted. The personal likeness referred to about “a Jinn who stays awake in the darkness of night” gives credence to an unseen mystical, spiritual war rather than a violent one fought in the heat of the sun, during the day amongst men.

Our true “striking enemy” is rarely other plagued and traumatized souls like ourselves, rather the devils that whisper, our internal critics, and Nafs. “Only for such work, my Mother gave birth to me” not to slay humans, but to cure the internal diseases of the heart which come up and plague us all as beings over the course of life as natural tests. To be a light for ourselves and others. No one is entirely immune to these ills, when we think we are, there is often something hidden that ought to be uncovered for our own good. Prophet Muhammad thrice had his chest opened and heart purified by the Arch Angel Gabriel, as a child as well as prior to the night journey so he would be accepted to ascend. We aren’t that lucky. No one is immune, it’s a continuous daily process, a constant war till the moment our souls part from our earthly vessels.


*A brief explanation of the night journey of Prophet Muhammad (far more comprehensive and detailed accounts exist)

*I would like to extend a special note of gratitude to Mufti Muhammad B (for motivating Maulana Abdullah) and Maulana Abdullah Ayaaz Mullaneee for spending the heart, time, and effort translating Deewane Ali in such a beautiful manner. Work like this is never easy.


Let’s Go To Nizamuddin

