Two years ago on this day a tragic death took place, of someone whom I hold dear to my heart, I never met them. I was lucky enough to see them perform live once, but what he means to me, as well as what that death sparked, is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life, possibly beyond. I truly loved and still do love the man. What he began to and came to represent was the sort of reconciliation, as well as redemption that was earned by years of sacrifice, fortitude, and continual self reformation towards becoming a better man. Plenty of low moments but things were headed up beautifully. It was becoming a near perfect story almost, almost…
I’ve written multiple poems dedicated to Kobe, I may upload a few this week. I wrote this the night after I had just found out about the helicopter crash.
Who gave us moments of blood, sweat, broken bones, and heart
How could an orange sphere come to represent such fine art
Ask him whose focus hit bulls eye with a purple and gold dart
Where is he now?
The ball was your brush and the court your canvas
Your movement was that of flowers and our attraction that of bees
With knives we began to cut our hands, over dinner forgetting about food
Like a woman that saw Joseph for the first time and fell to her knees
The night you scored 81 we watched in awe of mastery, such ease
We saw you as superhuman- beyond the plans of death anytime soon
But what did we know of weather conditions, reaping angels that loom?
May God have mercy on your soul as he has with your innocent daughter
May she be a key for you to enter paradise
Its from الله