Love’s Planet
Nikaltihein dil se aap ke liye beimtihaan
Har Mausam ki sifaarish, lakhon salaam
This medley of endearments, charms, doors, and jars,
Suspicions, quarrels, reconcilements, and wars
Nearly naked, wanton, and blind
Cruel now and then just as kind
If Love be amongst us we say
Look Look!
There is Venus runaway
Tears are Muslim, kisses sometimes pagan
Love of her is both, with each it’s prize craven
Golden jewels and pearls embedded within her soul laden
Her arms appear as finely bronzed silver from the Earth’s haven
In exchange for such gifts to my spirit’s eyes, a recompense meet?
I scatter all in hand, my crystals and gold at her feet
The dust she treads above sits upon my coronet
A wreath of pure prayers on her crown I set
The stream of my treasures may never run dry
My heart is love’s planet, and I
Am I
The one sole wish of my heart
Is to still be near you
To sit by your side
The noise fades away with elevation
Benefits of unity we begin slowly listing
The measurements of time and space?
Their duality - far less interesting
It’s from الله