Lava’s Molten Tide
I ask Allah from his great infinitude of pardoning grace
Hai hai that airy, sparkling, nur filled face
This heart is open to all those who pass
People see a smile where inwardly I weep
There is no mirror all these thoughts glass
The secret inner chamber in the heart I keep
Those morning hands I held in love’s grasp
Those nearest to my heart whom I clasp
Within the innermost soul I may dare to look
Deeming to read self like a freshly opened book
We send forth images upon the stream of life
Every one who sees reading each of their own light
While we who write, oh what inward melting strife
Stacked upon us, bringing tears that dim our sight
These visions never fade in the distance of past years
Life’s hollow smiles, more saddening than tears
What wounds of our hearts must we ever rush to hide
Where memory flows from chest- lava’s molten tide
These pages are all half written, fair to view
Yet I still hope to write these truths fresh anew
And after these long years of bleeding, yearning pain
If I ever see that face of my soul’s truest love again
The infinitude of pardoning grace I will see in the rain
And if at last we may not effectively meet
In all of love’s fullness complete
Without her who cares of glory’s might
I dare not think how dark will be my night
Oh Allah, please take me away from this humble abode to thee
Heaven will be Heaven - as with her, Earth was Heaven to me
It’s from الله