Heaven Conspired

Before the orchestrations of Heaven conspired to spin soil on the wheel of humanity

In the world of forms

Well before the first poetic wars ended with the compacts of earth, wind, water, and fire

When I was nothing but a mix of a quenching dust, Love sowed seeds of this desire

A peerless piece of earth’s splendour, a soul gem of antiquity laying her heel upon my neck, and velvet sands of time

Even the ripples of which are exquisitely handcrafted, by the Eternal artist of shine

Who moulded you not of liquid and clay, but pure soul and heart, along with the verdant sheen of emerald and ruby stars- adorning immortality’s throne

Such that those prostrating in Mosques, crying in the Temple, and penancing in Church, may summon divinity to conquer fears unknown

Were she to turn her face, the glance of her arched brow would set ablaze spheres beyond Jupiter, towards firm belief, full blown

No faith have we won from thee, but us devotees have eyes which shed crimson tears

Our lashes take pen and pain to paper, a story of Love over the years

You know who you are, creating a ruby carpet beneath my feet

If she wasn’t my killer, make rocks from my ashes and bones

To build glorious tombs for her victims

It oft seems fate went beyond lengths to fold up the rug of my life, and toss it under the scorching dunes, as a form of art

In the vision of grandiose gardens with pearly gates and a future Eden have others focused their heart

But Bashir’s Paradise is paid entirely when your presence is felt, even in part

It’s from الله


A Hundred Venuses


Ex Nihilo