You Would Like For Me To Be Still

You would like for me to be still

So I look into Medusa’s eyes

Unable to turn to stone I begin to cry

Few has she failed to petrify

You would like for me to be still

I’m prepared to die on this hill

To toil and till, or sit and chill

So one day, I might get some fill

And languish not a part of myself to kill

You would like for me to be still

Akin to the description of a believer by the Prophet

I’ll be like that obedient camel sitting on a rock

That stays in a single spot

Without fear or favour as to the turning of the clock

Without any stirring of the pot

The sands of time neither tick nor tock

They slip through my fingers, hear the dried chalk?

You would like for me to be still

If thats the case then what about talk?

I’ll bury my tears in dunes how the rain dots

Let them evaporate as wind comes in hot

Even then, a river gushes from a single drop

You would like for me to be still

Without regard as to the true cost of the bill

What if in the process my flesh begins to rot

Or the blood that flows begins to clot

You offer no water nor any rope

All I can do is be still, pray, and cope

You would like for me to be still

What lays in store is beyond this note

A treasure kept afloat

Waiting for a sailor on their boat

I have a little shade and hope

All I can do is be still, pray, and cope

… You are just that dope


Feel free to take the helm

See you in the Astral realm

It’s from الله


An Address to Aaliyah


Lote-Tree of the Farthest Boundary