On Unconditional Love

I was chatting with a good friend of mine this past week, Jason, who has been a big supporter since the day we met as well as the very first backer of AirMatrix. I love that man and all his quirks. We joke that he’s basically a brown guy in an Irish body. Namaste - Salaam, all of that. It was apt that this conversation took place in a Masjid.

What began as a discussion/debate about going public versus staying private as a company for a longer period of time, organically veered into a conversation about ego, psychedelic experiences, energy, and love. We were discussing where people in certain circles make decisions from, often a place of fear, maybe anger, sometimes insecurity.

These base emotions serve as prisms from which observation and action occur constantly, even within ourselves. Experiences and thoughts are refracted into our mind every second in this manner. It contributes to the mess that is growing inequality and continuous suffering throughout the world.

Very few operate from a true place of pure love, a clear, clean mirror which beautifies the image and sight of those that approach it. This is apparent when we are unable to love certain processes and people, despite not having a valid reason not to, trapped in the realms of apparent logic. This is often because we only see or focus on negative aspects of systems and people we fail to understand. Sometimes we fail to love because it’s difficult, or it gets more difficult. If we don’t learn to love problems it’s insanely hard to deconstruct them effectively towards a better way. Where some in their higher version of self continue to love, others stop, or reverse course. When some succeed, others see only luck as opposed to fruits of love. When someone fails, others see karma, as opposed to the start of a comeback. Where some push through and persevere to find buried treasures, others quit. Where some continue to increase nurturing love, others pull back, on account of fear posed as ‘self(ego) preservation’ which is a lower form of self love.

What’s well apparent is that you can’t have unconditional love for anyone unless one has it for one’s self. Framing our own ‘flaws’ under a lovable light, with compassion, so as to love ourselves entirely, and others with apparent or subtle character defects is a crucial component of unconditional love. It allows us to never give up on ourselves or others, loving that others view the world differently, as part of the beautiful tapestry that is humanity, as opposed to frustration around why things are the way they are all the time. This doesn’t mean justice shouldn’t be served, it HAS to. However, if it’s administered from a place of even the slightest malice, as opposed to love, it only perpetuates negative cycles and energy.

It compounds the “I’ll show them!” attitude in those with a chip on their shoulder, as opposed to alleviating it. This contributes to colossal greed and lack of empathy for others at a global scale on the part of many. Capitalism isn’t the predominant issue, it needs definite transformation, but a gap of love in the world is far more dangerous to the future.

We can love that others operate a certain way, even if it runs contrary to my own internal thought processes and sense of justice. This allows us to understand people much better as well as operate in a way that ultimately invites others towards a higher path, as opposed to crushing them in the process of our own growth. It allows us to play the game without playing by others rules, often making new ones that are adopted in grassroots fashion. This is inevitable when unconditional, true love, prevails.

With Love…

It’s from الله




Every Rose Has It’s Thorns