No Medicine Like Pain

What joy could be felt if not for the simultaneous existence of sadness in the world?

you tell me…

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens” - Rumi

The contradictions of life are something worth discussing with God one day.

Catharsis is a beautiful thing, but the actions and situations that trigger it are some of the most difficult moments we encounter in life. It can be helpful to sense the potential for it early on via the pain that embarking upon internal growth highlights within us, in order to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. This makes the exhausting process just a bit sweeter.

If we weren’t ever sad, would we ever be able to identify happiness? I tend to think not. Heartaches are what refine and clean us from within. If we let it wash over us like rocks do ocean waves, accepting it as opposed to fighting it, over time, one can remain steadfast and smooth under much more extraneous circumstances.

“So If you need a hero, just look in the mirror.

No ones gonna save you now.

So you better save yourself.”

The maturations that occur during the process open ones self to stop rejecting forms of love that the ego wishes to avoid.


A Personal Take on Ego


Spot it! You’ve got it!