Her Keep

A kiss on your daughter’s cheek

That’s for her to keep

A kiss on the forehead

That’s to keep her spirit fed

A lifetime of loving

Compressed into a single ‘Mmmuah!’

Few moments are as deep

That’s for her to keep

When you hug and your heartbeats match

Feel your beautiful souls latch

As people grow they often drift apart

But despite the distance

Every dawn brings a new start

Paint fresh canvas as mutual art

Strike a brilliant bullseye with a determined dart

She misses you most nights

Yearns to take more flights

To hold her feminine roots close and tight

A hug from Mum before bedtime

This strain of love is destine

Thank You

For being who you are

For raising a radiant star

Shining in my heart and dreams -

No matter how close - how far

- Bashir Hasan Khan

It’s from الله


Ansar’s Couplets


The Mufti On The Hill