Temple of a Poet
Her gentle teaching sweetly blends
An aerial gleam that fancy lends
Those that have felt the wondrous wand of my Muse
The Queen’s poesy, a subtle sword of art
Soaring to the heights where all is blue
Past carnelian skies that sunsets dyed
Merging with Bashir’s last couplets afuse
Anointing the same to fate with timid heart
Raining tears in the niche of the mosque’s pew
This work is respectfully inscribed…
All praises are sung to God who reigns supreme - below, and above
Binding with the silk of compassion, Earth and Heaven in Love
More often than they could fill up the cup with an ocean
Every day I religiously climb your cosmos with devotion
Her smile is a golden temple of eternal peace
Where such luminescence may never cease
Flavours of adoration from wisdom’s mysterious treasure chest
Compass towards her name, bringing forth brilliance to my sight
Deeper than death, richer than rest
I, beholding celestial stars in the memory of your eyes every night
Caressed by crystal dews and a starry light
Have found a guide amidst the constellations of souls scattered upon the land
You whom we carry in our heart, through the seas, and over the sand
It’s from الله