Touched My Soul


I cry in separation from you, lovingly, without shame

Another evening comes and goes different, but same

A fire flavoured by sadness has touched my soul

I cannot see your face because of these tears

I cannot talk because of all this sobbing

Gaining through unbroken kindness is a Sitara of this Universe

Behind the stage of death she came back without rhyme or verse

With the adornment of a bride in the wedding temple of my chest

May the evil eye be away from her, on the chess board of beauty near and afar

She has played a pawn which has checkmated the moon and our sunny star

Coming she stood speechless, through the great gates of death

With a smiling bright face, in Venusian light of my heart and breath

Which rose up slowly awakened to something far beyond the divine flushes of love

When love of her was lit in grounded heart it came from a place high up above

From the hand that loosens the bonds of fate and time

O you well of blessed honey! Just yesterday it was your sight

That gladdened this heart that cries for thee tonight

Unimaginable, tonight’s anguish, yestereve’s delight

For thy love’s sake I bled, and still implored in vain;

To patience I then fled, and still endured in vain

Your face is brighter than the sun, and the sun, dirt

Your lips pomegranate rubies, and the rubies mere rocks


It’s from الله



