With Serene Softness

As a Phoenix rising in the morning

I have felt your spirit in the wind

I have heard your song in every note

My chest has given each breath as it’s toll

Echoing in halls and chambers

Giving rest to my light bearing soul

A hundred Qawwalis in your name

This Love for you in it’s whole

Serving a route to God, even when dying of thirst in it’s traps

Traced with more fidelity than the most detailed of maps

Counting such truths makes the scale itself a conduit of crime

With love of you piercing beyond the measurements of time

Till and after the british came to loot whatever was left in store

We perfume makers, carpet designers, poets, princes, and more

Found inlaid within the old stories of Lucknow

Classical prophecies that oft herald pain

Searing the spirit with serene softness

Infusing it with emerald gain

It’s from الله


An Inquiry Into Love


The Nights Cry