Up Above


Desire turns towards dancing

One wakens up, another lulls to rest

Invigorating alliances between mankind and beast

Binding them by melodies one to another at the feast

Peacocks and deer dance in jubilation this season

From our instruments we draw forth such sweet songs

But with the concord of soft wailing in our homes

And the right pinch of salt for reason

We harmonize together many tones

Across the chasms of musical space and illustrious time

Echoes of a broken heart resound as they ring and they rhyme

Champagne mist floats intoxicatingly off the corners of rose crystal cliffs

As mystic dew onto emerald bladed grass reflecting the calming bliss

The phoenix choir sings in unison, supposedly nothing is amiss

The heart yearns for something more valuable than any of this

Each gale leaving it’s coolness upon my forehead adrift

A tender slap reminding of the present she did not gift

There are the things I could never write out of respect and shyness

Unless she were to ever come in full, the heart’s royal highness

The heart trips to kiss her soul’s feet every millisecond in love

Her ambrosial face sent from God’s zenith - high up above


It’s from الله




A Few Saadi Resonances