Pangs of Love
A tear at the top of my eyelash has seeped down through
if only you knew the things you could do
To wash some of this pain away
But what use is reciprocity if not returned with its own ardour
It’s so clear to me, but only if it’s what you’d want for you too
This pain etches itself into my soul
I spend countless hours transmuting it into gold
My attempt at releasing, fulfillment of desire
Is only held back by unconditional love that supersedes it
Your preference for this current mold is one that unearths pain untold
Alas, we could find treasures in minutes that take decades to unfold
No lines of poetry can surmise that which only our bodies and souls can feel
Imagine if that transmutation stage, could be skipped
Imagine if in the ocean of love, we both mutually dipped
But for the water to be pure enough
The things that I know you could do
That I internally beg to God for
Can at this point-only come from him and you
My own speaking of the desire can spoil its cleanliness
Love, such a delicate and powerful force
I cannot control nor destroy it
Only face it, hoping it’s light shines down on my tears that illuminate my body in the suns rays
Without burning myself via that same light
There’s so much aflight
And I just want things to be right
It might just start with... one night
My heart sinks and pulls in these lines
I really don’t give a damn if it rhymes
The tear has now reached my navel
It seeks no appraisal
Will there be anyone aside from God that understands?
I don’t need answers, just that love
Go ahead and call me greedy and/or needy
Who are you to judge? I never asked for this
A fakir in no need of alms to do with currency
Just pangs of love thirst that dream of being quenched
It’s from الله