الصباح المبارك
Amid the clustered clouds and early dark morning’s first sunbeams
Piled to towering grandeur way up high
From the blessed Mother which bore thee, are these coloured tints which charm the clear eye
This Moon in water, limpid, pure and crystal, as the skies which witnessed thy birth
In whose depths there lurks an intoxicating liquid which grants such joy to the Earth
Green tinted loveliness emanates from her like bubbles from freshly popped champagne
There is an unrequited side of love here which has brought pangs of stabbing, slicing pain
Singing by the tiny streamlet her praises flow downwards and upwards in a beautiful storm
Gleaming in sparkling dewdrops, come winter they may be frozen in fantastic form
Blessed by the Kaaba’s prayers, natives of the west, and the sweetness of hind
When Summer rules with sunshine, rainbows glitter off the coast of her hair in the wind
To the flowers she gives fragrance, as they with their mithaas exhale
To her they owingly present their beauty, pure, colourful, and frail
Now with May's heat a sun ray torches nature’s verdant dress
Beneath her gentle touch uprising, blooming anew at every caress
And on the sandy beach I break, chanting anthems loud and long
The Almighty’s face has mirrored her since creation’s morning song
It’s from الله