The Doors of Love
The only longing was for something which has been ours the whole time.
Love. Its the question and the answer, the greatest mercy in the universe. We all experience love, through our existence, relationships, nature, it’s everywhere. That doesn’t mean we’re always good at it, seeing it, understanding it. That often requires a spiritual unveiling of ourselves and the world we find ourselves in, reconciling the past with uncertainty of the future, overcoming abandonment, pain, healing, and much more.
“There’s a lot of love behind doors you haven’t bothered, or are too scared to open..”
Those words were said to me a while ago by someone who truly loves me, during a difficult moment. It profoundly impacted me. I’ve begun to piece parts together over the last few years. It’s been an emotionally difficult, albeit rewarding process. Too often we get so caught up in ourselves and our efforts that we forget the love people have for us, that underpins everything. This can be due to the fact that It isn’t usually logical, thats the crazy thing.
To give an example. Someone who has no need to or familial tie to me, mentioned something to me a while ago that is only now beginning to ring with me. That him and his wife were there for me in ways that I couldn’t appreciate yet or understand. At the time I brushed it off as a nice thing someone says to you, but as a couple years passed I’ve realized, it was and is true. True love, without any need to be loved back, deserves the best of this world and more. If I were to tell you who this person is you’d be shocked, but that’s besides the point. The stochasticity of emotion placed in others hearts for us is a thing of beauty, it’s what makes the world go round without tearing itself apart.
Out of the fairytale and into the enchanted forest.
There’s demons here oh yes, but there are also Angels.
As I've opened doors vulnerably I’ve found love in places and people I had never imagined, to a level I have never dreamed of, as well as totally new doors which brake the shackles of any limited expectations around love previously held. A deep level of understanding, care, and empathy for things I would never expect, which continuously grows as our petals bloom.
The mystery is we can show it and can still never really know how much we love someone or just how intensely we are loved, it’s immeasurable. It’s deeper than we could ever imagine. Sometimes it comes in the form of a hug, a conversation, a wink, a look in the eye, a touch, a gift. Even then we don’t know the weight of love. Our mind’s limitation is that it lacks the capacity to conceive that which only the heart can carry.
It’s a joy. Uncovering and holding close to heart, those angels in our life though they may be afar, so we can carry the beams of love, to be an imperfect angel for others who will come after.
I love you.
It’s from الله