Recycled Lamp

Sweet streams hallowed by the beloved were blessed

Sweeter over my raptured soul overpowered with zest

Withering joy and every hope suspends

As an unknown tortured bosom rends

Her sapphire sky, gemmed with worlds of light

Whose layers of glory boast of boundless flight

Beyond the scenes of fake crowns and a false diadem

Therein lies within her chest a true divine specimen

She lit my Chiragh with a single glance when I was just a young boy

Seems I grew up to be broken and recycled by her, akin to an old toy

Indeed even when the last of lingering breath

Melts away like wax in this flickering flame

My heart towards your direction unmoved by death

It’s wounds shall do dhikr of thy cherished name

It’s from الله‎


حب روحي , نور العين‎


Chapter #34