Kya Naseeb
That which brings my soul’s every tinted shadow into the clear
A Canary in the goldmine of this heart whispered in my ear
By the breath of sweet lips whose colour doesn’t fade
Who wrapped these ghazals ‘round me in a silk brocade
As spaces in harmonic vibration, as above - then so below
Upon the pages of Abul Hasan, let the glitter of God glow
“Abu Nuwas (d. 810), whose odes immortalized the wine taverns of Baghdad. He made a jinni kneel down in submission in one of his poems. The second poet was Bashshar ibn Burd (d. 783), a blind and licentious poet who celebrated Eros magnificently. He declined the inspiration of Shiniqanaq (one of the most famous chiefs of the jinn) in a well-known verse: “Shiniqanaq called me to ride behind him. I said, ‘Leave me alone—I prefer solitude.’”
Excerpt From: El-Zein, Amira;. “Islam, Arabs, and Intelligent World of the Jinn.”
It’s from الله