By The Throne
2:30-3:15 🔥
Human beings are the highest of all created manifestations in the Universe.
So we let our mind pervade one half of the world with thoughts of love, and our heart with the second half to make a whole completed with feelings of love thereafter. The entire world above, below, around and every where, we continue colluding with beings of love, far reaching, grown great and beyond all measure. . . There isn’t any form or non entity existing except that we never pass by and simply leave aside, rather regard them all with mind set free and deep felt love.
Love is a medium through which the finite and mortal mind attempts to express it’s entire life’s understanding, focused to a point which is essential and eternal in it’s nature. Piercing through the veil of the mind and senses, appearing as separate from itself, as a divine principle, which lights up the soul with a ray of itself, for this world was made of a single mercy, the foundation of which is seen on the stone where it is written, that same old story of love.
Yes, just one mercy. The other 99 are still to come, the story of love has just begun.
It’s from الله