Love Like The Ocean

I’m not sure if it’s because I have a stellium in a water sign but -

I think of my love like the ocean, vast, deep, filled with creatures and currents which flow and sometimes mix. Boundaries aren’t fixed between salt and fresh water, delta’s are fluid with purpose. Love is a prerequisite, a product of nature, the essence itself. When you put a dam there it can mess with nature in a big way, bringing unnecessary, unintended destruction to those we seek to benefit.

So come take a swim…

My brain doesn’t always give me what I want

It can’t give what you can

Sure it gives a few original thoughts

An idea for a silly meme

A company that sucks less than most

Capacity to hone in on things that are meaningful

I do it sometimes

But why not ALL the time?

How is it so fickle?

I am not superman

I don’t even want to be, really

Maybe a hurricane of good

Big and loud and strong with a quick centre

Chaotic and multifaceted

Persevering through air, land, and water

Raining on undernourished souls

Shaking up faulty foundations for new roots to grow

I want to be infallible, no, just close

Maybe want is the first problem

I just keep failing

Hurricanes aren’t men in the eyes of God

Men are weak

But they are the warmest thing I know

It’s from الله


Have a Kit-Kat


Ansar’s Couplets