Marbled Eyes Drip Pearls
Sighs fill the air of the evening, tearful morning prayers flood the skies, plaintive night-time prayers; all are metaphysical keys that lead us to the treasure of goodly desire, the paths and procedures that enjoin us with our beloved. Such is the sacred value of dawn, the moment of divine grace, in response to supplication and painful sufferings experienced during nights of separation and liminality.
- Hafez
The night’s secrets in her arms had only just begun
Yet night was over… Up came the rising sun
Marbled eyes drip pearls down my face as they curl
Twisting light these shining jewels rest in my little ears
So take these bedazzling earrings that twist and swirl
Alas we all know you-are the owner of these tears
Oh crown of lost love, last night and all night too,
They! Allah forgive them
- told me stories about you
Such horrific gossip was you break your promises
It broke my heart that the mind whispered
“… Perhaps it is true”
It’s from الله