A Sliver Of The Omnipotence Paradox

Many of our fears are based on the inner workings of the ego, fruits of seeds laid in our subconscious by the part of us that’s not always our best friend. In the Zone of Genius, ego is unnecessary; living there is its own reward. In the Zone of Genius, we cease to care about recognition or ostracism.

One of my biggest resistances is often the terrifying thought of owning my full on potential. As I’ve explored this fear, realizations dawn reflecting a truth that making such a commitment puts everything on the line, eliminating any and all excuse. Before I could always say, “Well, it didn’t work out, but I wasn’t really trying as hard as I could. Maybe I’d have succeeded if I had really tried, or if I had just done or not done this one thing” or even better “I failed, but I might have succeeded if I was fully healthy.” After making the commitment to going all the way, any excuse that creeps into the mind sounds so hallow it echoes shame. As if Armstrong had sailed back to Earth and said, “Well, we didn’t get to the Moon, but we might have if I hadn’t gotten a nasty cold.”

Going into space is no longer radical; you can literally buy a ticket online. However, going into the inner depths, where our most ingrained beliefs about what’s possible is etched, is an extreme, albeit necessary act. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is beyond radical. The only relevant question is whether WE will let it be possible for US. Bashir, If you are willing to accept that possibility, glad tidings of real magic in your life.

“Fear is excitement without the breath.” - Fritz Perls

It’s from الله




Ants In a Glass Box